21. Mai 2013: 3. AFRASO – Ringvorlesung

"China's Economic Cooperation and its role for economic transition in Africa"

China’s trade, investment and aid contribute to economic transition in Africa and create new opportunities for promoting growth and reducing poverty. Realising this potential will depend on China drawing lessons from its own successful record of economic growth and poverty reduction, including the development of the agricultural sector and of the rual areas, of infrastructure and the creation of an attractive environment for businesses to flourish and to create jobs.

What has been the impact of China’s expanding economic engagement on economic transition in Africa? What have been the main experiences and lessons learnt during China’s recent period of growth and poverty reduction? What conditions need to be in place for China’s experience to be replicable in other developing countries, especially in Africa?

Prof. Dr. Li Xiaoyun, Director China-DAC Study Group, Dean China Agricultural University, Beijing
Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer, Lehrstuhl China Business and Economics, Universität Würzburg

Bruno Wenn, SID, Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der Deutschen Entwicklungs- und Investitionsgesellschaft mbH (DEG), Köln

Wir danken den Referenten Prof. Dr. Li Xiaoyun und Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer für die aufschlussreichen Vorträge und Herrn Bruno Wenn für die gelungene Moderation. Weitere Details zu den Inhalten der Vorträge, sowie der Mitschnitte der Vorlesung können hier entnommen werden.