China is back as a key player in world affairs. The rise of China to become the world‘s second largest economy is one of the most striking historical events of the last four decades.
Until the first half of the 19th century, China was the largest economy in the world. After a period of weakness, the Chinese Reform and Opening-up Policies after the Year 1978 started a unique economic success story.
Today, China has once again taken the global economic importance of a super-power, by international trade and investment relations, by a gradual internationalization of the Chinese currency renminbi, by a strong economic commitment not only in the industrial, but also in the developing countries. For Germany, China has been trading partner No. 1 since 2016. Both countries share a common interest in a stable and open world trade system.
Under President Xi Jinping, China is now increasingly stepping back into world politics. This became clear last at the 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of China and at the 13th National People’s Congress. As early as 2013, China launched the “Belt and Road Initiative”, a process that reflects China’s economic and political role in the context of globalization.
For Germany and Europe, this means both a challenge and an opportunity in economic relations and political dialogue with China.
This event was organized jointly by the Society for International Development, Chapter Frankfurt am Main (SID) and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
China’s Role in the World – The New Normal
Monday, 11.06.2018 at 18:00
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (S0.02)
Adickesallee 32-34
60322 Frankfurt am Main
• Rudolf Scharping, Chairman of RSBK Strategy Consulting Communications AG, former Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany and former Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Germany
• Prof. Horst Löchel, Professor of Economics at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, and MBA Program Director; visiting Professor at the China Europe International School of Business (CEIBS) in Shanghai, and member of the board of directors at the Shanghai International Banking and Finance Institute (SIBFI).
Transcript of Prof. Löchel’s lecture „China’s Role in the World – The New Normal“
We thank the Overseas Chinese Association for their cooperation.
Von links nach rechts: Dr. MA Yingchen (Consul, Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China, Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Horst Löchel, Norbert Noisser, Rudolf Scharping
Rudolf Scharping (former Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany, Chairman of RSBK Strategy Consulting Communications AG)